
Distillery is down stream industry of Sugar. Alcohol or Ethyl Alcohol  is produced from molasses which is by-product while manufacturing sugar. It is produced in Distillery through the process of fermentation and Distillation. It has purity of about 95% vv.

The Ethyl Alcohol is sold by the company which is used in manufacture of potable liquor. It has got other uses also like in paint, varnishes, pharmaceuticals and other chemical industry. When Ethyl Alcohol is further dehydrated and made about 99.9% purity it is called Ethanol, which is used in admixing with Petrol.  

Riga Sugar Co. Ltd set-up Alcohol Plant (50 KLPD) in 1995 adjacent to its Sugar Factory which produces over 50,000 liters of Alcohol  per day. The molasses is partly transferred from own sugar plant and partly procured from other sugar factories of Bihar state.

The Distillery of the company has got Zero Discharge facilities as per CPCB norms. The company have Anaerobic-Digesters, which treat the Raw spent wash which is followed by Reverse Osmosis Technology and Bio-composting. Thus the entire solid waste generation in sugar and liquid generation in Distillery is used to produce economically valued and environment friendly Bio-compost.  The treatment of spend wash though digester generates Bio-gas Methane which has fuel value and used in Boiler for steam and power.