Corporate Governance
Share Holding Pattern
Listing of Stock Exchange
Notice to Share Holders
Investor Grievance
Code of Conduct
Annual Report








        Listing of Equity Shares on Stock Exchange at:-   



i) Bombay Stock Exchange


The Corporate Relationship Department
Rotunda Building, PJ.Towers, Dalal Street
Fort, Mumbai- 400 001

ii) The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd


7, Lyons Rang, Kolkata- 700 001

Listing Fees

Listing fee has been paid to the above stock exchanges.

i) National Securities Depository Ltd.

Trade World, 4th Floor, Kamala Compound
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai- 400 013.

ii) Central Depository Services (India) Ltd.

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 17th Floor, Dalal Street
Mumbai- 400 023.

Stock Code

BSE Code for RSCL is 507508
CSE Code for RSCL is 10028038
ISIN Number for RSCL is INE 909C01010